Meet the Mom: Jenna Harris
Your Name: Jenna Harris
Where did you grow up:
I am lucky enough to call Palm Beach County my home. I was born and raised in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. We moved to Palm Beach Country Estates in 1991 and we watched the city grow around us. My childhood was filled with fishing, flip flops, saltwater and sunscreen. I used to ride my bike East on Donald Ross Road to US1 and North to Carlin Park every single day. The fresh salty air and sunshine recharged me. I live where people vacation and I’m thankful for that every day.
Town you live in now:
I moved from Palm Beach Gardens to Boca Raton and about three years ago my husband and I settled our family in Wellington. Each city has served me well during those particular times in my life. There is definitely a sweet spot in my heart for this family-oriented, equestrian community.
Why you love living there:
There are lots of reasons to love the city of Wellington. I love living here because it is family-oriented. The city is filled with parks, community centers, kid friendly restaurants, tons of kids and located close to Lion Country Safari. The schools are highly-rated and offer excellent academia and support. Wellington is less hectic than the other cities in Palm Beach County and tucked away West of the turnpike. I like that everything I need is right here. Wellington feels safe to me and gives me that small town feeling I desire. It’s a really great place to raise a family.
Tell me about your kids:
I am one lucky mama! I have three amazing kids. Justin just turned seven years old. He is so quick- witted and hilarious. Sometimes I have to stop and ask myself “Is this kid really seven years old?” He is wild as can be, playful and adventurous. He loves his little sisters…sometimes. He is ALL boy, I’m talking lizards, snakes, fishing, mud puddles, video games, sports, wrestling, and camping. He was laid back as a baby and then around three years old he woke up one day and decided to give me a run for my money! Two years after we had Justin, Emerie Jade was born. She is a people pleaser and such a big help to me. She recently learned how to do laundry and I’m telling you my five year old does our family’s laundry! She folds and packs it ALL away too! She sets our dinner table and washes dishes. She has an incredible imagination and occupies herself for hours playing ponies and barbies. She loves playing the piano and she has natural talent. She will be going into kindergarten this fall and I’m so sad that her first year of elementary school will be compromised. She loves school and learning. When my husband and I talked about having a third baby I was hoping that it would be a girl so that Emerie would have a sister. Three and a half years later we had Lilah who is currently 16 months. She is a firecracker! Lilah can scale a six foot bookshelf in less than five seconds (a little exaggeration!). She beats her brother and sister up on the daily. She loves anything involving water, the swimming pool, the beach, bath time and even rain. She is loud, smart, fun and demanding! My world is so much fun right now and these kids fill my heart with so much joy. I am also a proud stepmama! My stepson is older and building his own family now. He was in college when his father and I met so I didn’t raise him but I have been able to watch him grow into an amazing man over the last ten years.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
I love all of the kid-friendly activities south Florida has to offer. My kids really enjoy playing at the beach and throwing themselves into the crashing waves. Lion Country Safari is always a good time as well. I love the education element at Loggerhead Marinelife Center and teaching my children about the local marinelife and wildlife. We have some of the best state parks in our backyard. We used to have a boat so many of our weekends were spent on the water fishing and having fun in the sun. Lately, coronavirus has made it difficult for us to socialize and go to public parks and playgrounds so we have spent a lot of time swimming in our pool, on the slip n slide and going on scavenger hunts close to home.
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
During the day I can be found entertaining and caring for my three kids. Soon I will be able to add teacher to that list when we start our homeschooling adventures. My main job during the day is owning and operating my CBD business called 420 Brew Street. In November of 2017 my father passed away. Losing my dad was devastating and at the time I was caring for my two and four year old kids. I was heartbroken and felt disconnected from everything. It was very difficult to carry on as if nothing had happened. I had trouble sleeping and even more trouble engaging. My husband was struggling as well and worried about me. We were both losing sleep and lacked energy. I knew that we couldn’t possibly carry on this way much longer but wedidn’t want to fill our bodies with chemicals. I needed something that was natural and healthy to help elevate oursmoods, promote better sleep, and give us more energy. I started researching and found CBD. I learned everything there was to learn about cannabidiol, cannabinoids, cannabis, and hemp. I found CBD products that helped us with our anxiety, sleeplessness, mood, and energy. But CBD was fairly new to the scene and I was hearing a lot of mixed reviews about ingredients and additives in the products. I have always had a passion for helping others, owning my own business and making a difference in our community. I decided to dive head first into the CBD industry and with my husband’s support and help 420 Brew Street was born. We create our products with purpose and from scratch. Every ingredient is intentional and offers a multitude of benefits. Our products are third-party tested, GMP certified, created in a lab with a chemist, completely plant-based and our hemp is naturally sourced from farms in the USA. We currently offer tea, tinctures and topicals but we are planning our expansion into the beverage market and excited to offer more pet product options soon. Our newest product is our Intensive Relief Salve and within minutes you can feel its healing properties as your pain fades away. My husband is an avid racquetball player and has extreme pain in his knees and he calls this salve “magic in a bottle”. I love making a difference in people’s lives and I’m passionate about offering plant-based products as an alternative to the traditional prescription medications.
What is your best parenting advice? Lay it on us.
Mamas have an extremely hard job. They have so much on their plates. Some juggle working full time, keeping a clean house, cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner, running errands, participating in PTO and sports, organizing multiple schedules, homeschooling, and the list goes on and on. Their needs tend to take a backseat to everyone else’s. Most mamas don’t have the time to even realize they have needs that aren’t being met. My best parenting advice is self-care. Take that girl’s trip, go get your nails done, take a walk on the beach, treat yourself to that CBD tea, buy the pretty flowers from your local florist Nicole Hodson, journal your thoughts, take that yoga class, ASK FOR HELP. Not only do mamas do so much for their families but they try to do it ALL themselves and when they fall short they feel like a failure and inadequate which weighs heavy on their mental health. Asking for help is a huge part of self- care and it took me three kids to realize that valuable lesson. Momming is hard and we deserve a break, a hand, a hug! Don’t deprive yourself of having your own needs met. You are worth it!
What do you do for self-care?
It took me a while to be able to ask for help without feeling vulnerable. After having three kids I realized that my needs are important and if they are not met it is very difficult for me to make sure my family’s needs are met. I have to be physically, emotionally and mentally healthy so I can provide my kids with the structure, love and environment they require in order to thrive. My self-care routine includes taking 420 Brew Street’s Relax Pineapple Express tincture, running, writing, pampering myself and getting my hair and nails done, and simply listening to Peaceful Piano Radio on Pandora. There is something about the piano that just relaxes me and brings me peace. When I feel overwhelmed and tired I turn to my husband and ask for help. He takes over so I can sleep, workout, get some time away or get work related tasks completed. Every mama needs a good support system and time to take care of herself.
Anything else you want to share?
I love being part of an amazing community that shows support to its members and businesses. It feels good to have great people in your corner and cheering you on. I’m thankful that I have multiple mama groups that I can turn to for advice and encouragement. Thank you to all of you who support small businesses and root for the mom bosses out there! Cheers to you mamas!