Get to know – The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness (“The Alliance”)
What is the name of your organization?
The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness (“The Alliance”)
What is your mission?
The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness is a national non-profit organization dedicated to providing programs and activities aimed at outreach, education, early intervention, and advocacy for all eating disorders.
How and when did you get started?
Founded in October 2000 by Johanna Kandel, The Alliance has worked tirelessly to raise awareness; eliminate secrecy and stigma; promote access to care; and support those susceptible to, currently struggling with, and recovered from eating disorders. Kandel founded The Alliance after recovering from a ten-year-long battle with various eating disorders. Since its inception, The Alliance has brought information and awareness about eating disorders to more than 330,000 individuals nationally and internationally.
Who do you help?
The Alliance offers comprehensive services, including: free, clinician-led weekly support groups for those struggling and for their loved ones; support and referrals through both our free help-line and comprehensive referral website,; low-cost, life-saving outpatient treatment to underinsured and uninsured adults in our community; educational presentations to schools, healthcare providers, and community agencies; unique and empowering scale smashing events and SmashTALK panel discussions nationwide; and advocacy for eating disorders and mental health legislation. Since its inception, The Alliance has offered presentations on eating disorders, positive body image, and self-esteem to more than 320,000 individuals nationwide. Over the past 19 years, we have demonstrated our tireless commitment to making a positive impact on our community. We create a bridge for those needing and seeking help by connecting people with resources to assist them in recovery.
Are there volunteer opportunities? Any where children can be helpful/involved?
Yes, The Alliance has volunteer opportunities. From helping at events to administrative office work, various volunteer opportunities and internships are available. Students may earn community service or internship hours for volunteerism.
Are there any specific items that people can donate?
Yes! The Alliance greatly appreciates donations of cash, in-kind items, office supplies, and gift cards.
What is your website?
What else do we need to know about you?
At least 1 in 10 Americans will battle an eating disorder during their lifetime, with 700,000 cases in Florida alone. The National Institute of Health reports eating disorders are more common than Autism and Alzheimer’s disease, more deadly than drunk driving, and more costly than depression and anxiety – yet less than one third of people experiencing eating disorders will ever seek treatment due to lack of access to care and prohibitively high treatment costs. Full recovery from eating disorders is possible, but unfortunately, only about a third of people with an eating disorder ever receive treatment. At The Alliance, the gift of hope is given.
Every 62 minutes someone dies as a direct result of their eating disorder.
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