Sandoway Discovery Center
What is the name of your organization? 

Sandoway Discovery Center
What is your mission?
As one of South Florida’s premier coastal ecosystems and marine life centers, we will transform and inspire our visitors through experiential education and conservation.
How and when did you get started? 1998
Who do you help?
We teach all ages about the environment and conservation.
Description: Since 1998, Sandoway has offered a vibrant gateway to South Florida’s fragile marine life and freshwater environments for children, families, regional, national, and international visitors. Recognizing the limited access to and deep need for Palm Beach County’s children to understand crucial S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) concepts, and be able to relate them in a meaningful way to the natural world around them, we developed our hands-on, activity-based programs in environmental education for grades K-12. Our environmental education programs are compatible with Next Generation Sunshine State Science Standards, and Palm Beach County Schools have approved our Junior Naturalist Program curriculum. We are focusing where our hands-on educational support is needed most, on Palm Beach County’s Title One Schools, programs that serve children who are at-risk of academic failure, and those from low socio-economic and minority populations.
Are there volunteer opportunities?
Any where children can be helpful/involved? We have multiple volunteer opportunities. Here is the link to our volunteer page: Volunteer Information – Sandoway Discovery Center
Are there any specific items that people can donate?
The best way to give to our Center is by donating money through our website. We also collect newspapers and towels for our animals.
What is your website?