Get to know – Nurturing Your Newborn
What is the name of your organization? Nurturing Your Newborn.
What is your mission? To gather new moms together to spend time sharing the joys and concerns of motherhood with our team of leaders including a nurse, lactation consultants, a life coach, and other seasoned mothers.
How and when did you get started? The group was formed by Jackie Adames, RN, 17 years ago.
Who do you help? All new moms in the South Florida community
Are there volunteer opportunities? Any where children can be helpful/involved? Yes we accept volunteers. However, no children as we want to keep the environment safe for newborns.
Are there any specific items that people can donate? No need at this time. However, we have gift certificates available that can be purchased for a mom in need to join us.
What is your website? or (561) 994-5000 ext. 204
What else do we need to know about you? Moms and babies can experience the first class for free. We offer childcare for other siblings for a small fee. The one time charge of $100 covers all classes until the baby turns one year old.