Meet the mom – Nayeli Glaser

Nayeli Glaser.
Where did you grow up:
I grew up in Panama, Central America. I met my husband there (he is from NY) and we moved to the United States 10 years ago. Living in Florida and loving it since.
Town you live in now:
Boca Raton, Florida.
Why you love living there:
First, the beach!! I am a beach lover and enjoy outdoor activities. Also, the accessibility to everything, from getting on an international flight to see family, or just driving 10 minutes to a park, to great restaurants, and shops. South Florida is the best.
Tell me about your kids:
We have a 2.5 year old daughter. Her name is Maya. My life changing gift. She is a happy and observant little girl. Loves helping with house chores and being involved in the family routines.

Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
Nature Parks! We are so blessed to be surrounded by many outdoor parks and trails to explore such as the Arthur Marshall Reserve, and the Spanish River Park. An afternoon at the beach is also a favorite, and running around at the Sugar Sand Park playground (Maya loves it, and we do too!).
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
I have been working on Little Hand and Nature for the past several months, and I feel it is the result of my journey about finding myself and my true purpose. Working as an Architect and Interior Designer was consuming my whole life. I needed something that resonated with my soul. After my daughter was born, I felt an immense desire to connect with nature, with myself, and with the things that really brought me happiness. I started questioning myself on how I could contribute to a life of purpose, happiness, beauty, and intention to my daughter and to all the people around me. My background includes design, all the way to art therapy, yoga, mindfulness and holistic education. In collaboration with my dearest friend and Life coach Krystelle Sosa, Little Hands and Nature was born with the purpose of creating tools to help adults and children connect with their inner child, and their essence. Our craft kits build concentration, motor and social skills, self awareness, and many more wonders through mindfulness, small rituals, sensorial play, and explorations.

What is your best parenting advice. Lay it on us.
I think my best parenting advice is to observe your child, go with the flow, and put your expectations about how “it is supposed to be” aside. Each child is a little person on their own with their own desires, and ideas. Let them experience the world on their own terms (safely). Let them guide you on a morning walk at the park, let them peel the banana in the morning, let them help to cook their own food. Be a guide in their life, but let the child discover his/her own potential.
What do you do for self care?
My morning routine is a must. Yoga and meditation, even a short flow of yoga poses in the morning to set intentions and positive vibes for my day. Exercise regularly, preferably outside in nature, and eating the healthiest possible.
Anything else you want to share?
I am so honored and grateful to be featured in this community of amazing mommas. Motherhood is the greatest thing and also the hardest thing. Find your tribe, connect with other mothers, let’s support each other and share our gifts. You are the greatest blessing to your children.