Meet the Mom – Jennifer Alexander Monzon
Jennifer Alexander Monzon.
Where did you grow up:
White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Town you live in now:
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Why you love living there:
Ever since I was a child, I was always drawn to the ocean, and dreamed of someday living near the
beach. I love the natural beauty here, and the fact that my kids and I can spend time outdoors in the
fresh salty air nearly 365 days a year (something that is a real treat having grown up in the snowy
northwoods of Minnesota!).
Tell me about your kids:
I’m mama to two spirited daughters – ages five-and-a-half and three-and-three-quarters (the fractional
ages are VERY important to them!) They are a force to be reckoned with, and every day they teach me
so much about unconditional love, patience, and being present in the moment.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
We love to be outdoors, so are huge fans of simple beach and park playtime. We also love the water and
are active with the North Palm Beach Swim Club. We recently started ballet classes at Florida School for
Dance Education and have been blown away by their kind and welcoming environment, paired with
impeccable technique and top-notch teachers. When the girls were babies and toddlers, Miss Tracie’s
Music Together was our absolute favorite activity each week, and we still sing songs and play
instruments to the Music Together albums at home. On Sundays, we have a tradition of going out to the
Gardens Green Market in Palm Beach Gardens. And of course, one of our family favorite places to visit is
the Loggerhead Marinelife Center to see the turtles.
What is your day job? How did you get started with it?
I own and run a specialty coffee company called Chapín Coffee that feeds undernourished children in
Guatemala for every bag of coffee sold. ( and @ChapinCoffee on FB / Insta /
TikTok) The name “Chapín” is a Guatemalan term of endearment and captures the heart of our coffee’s
mission: to connect coffee lovers to the origins of their morning ritual, and empower them to make a
difference simply by choosing to enjoy Chapín Coffee. I started the business from scratch with my
husband out of our studio apartment in Chicago almost 10 years ago. We’ve gone from offering a
handful of organic and fair trade Guatemalan coffees for sale in independent grocery stores to roasting
coffees from around the world and selling them online, to offices and coworking spaces, and
independent coffee shops. Our most popular service is our monthly subscription box, which is 100%
customized to each subscriber (I personally hand pick every coffee for each subscriber!) We also just
launched a Coffee Fundraiser Program, making our artisan-roasted coffee available as a quick, easy, and
profitable fundraising solution for any sports team, extracurricular activity, or community / youth group.
What is your best parenting advice. Lay it on us.
Ooof. That’s such a big question! As a parent in this technology-saturated time, it can feel as if we’re
simultaneously on an island (with no in-real-life village support) and bombarded with information and
advice. I want to answer this thoughtfully, with the intention to share something that can make us feel
more empowered, rather than making us feel like there’s yet another thing that we “should” be doing
that we’re not. So…here goes.
It may sound cliche but it’s so true: we can’t pour from an empty cup. We deserve to care for ourselves,
and our families deserve the best version of us. This requires self-care. I’m aware of how impossible this
feels at times (new mamas, I see you!) and…it’s really non-negotiable. But how can we get there?
I have this vision of bringing back the Village. Where all women recognize that we are all “mothering” –
whether we’re parents or not. Moms who care for their children at home all day, moms who work
outside the home, moms who do a bit of both, and all the aunties out there…we need each other. We
need to recreate the bonds of sisterhood support to raise the next generation of humans in a loving and
supportive and present way. We need each other so that we can refill our cups, and pour into one
another, and create that web of support that is the natural way humans were designed to live and
So I suppose the “advice” is…find your sisters, create your village. Allow yourself to lean on people. Start
with one small request for support, and let it be a practice that builds over time.
What do you do for self care?
Okay, I swear I didn’t see this question before I answered the last one, ha!
It’s definitely a work in progress! Currently, I’m focused on the ways in which I start and end the day,
and working to make those as intentional and mindful as possible. I have a quick morning routine that
helps me to be present, and sets my energy for the day. On the best days, this involves 5-10 minutes of
meditation and yoga, then a quick Peloton ride, and of course coffee. After school drop-off, I finish my
workout with some core strength (again, thank you Peloton!) and mantra meditation practice before settling into the workday. In the evening, I’m working really hard to stay off of technology and wind down with a book or journaling.
Karaoke – what are you singing?
Gosh, it’s been years since I’ve sung karaoke! “Walkin’ on Sunshine” with my bestie was a favorite back
in my grad school days at the Blue Frog Karaoke Bar.
Anything else you want to share?
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share! Even though we moved to Florida almost six years ago,
with the craziness of new motherhood and the pandemic years, I often still feel like a “newbie” here. I
love the community you’ve created with The Palm Beach Moms, and am so inspired by all of the
amazing women in this circle. If you’re reading this and feel intrigued by a coffee collaboration, I love
partnering with other local, women-owned businesses, so please do reach out!