Meet the Mom – Deena Lang

Where did you grow up: Coral Springs, Florida
Town you live in now: Cooper City, Florida
Why you love living there: I lived in Palm Beach County for almost a decade and absolutely loved it, but work brought me back to Broward County and my family is here as well. Living in Cooper City is super similar to Wellington and I love the family vibe and sense of community here.
Tell me about your kids: I have a HILARIOUS 8 year old son who is 100% my karma for all of the sass I dished in my mom’s direction when I was a kid. He’s obsessed with math which is SO foreign to me as a creative, but I love that he is his own person and has his own passions already.

Favorite things to do with the kids locally: I feel lucky to be able to share the places I grew up enjoying with my son. Lion Country Safari, the Museum of Discovery and Science, local farms and markets… Lately we’ve been going on super long walks and climbing trees (him, not me. That would NOT end well) and exploring. Lots of scavenger hunts and making up games on the fly. I am FOREVER seeking new fun family experiences, so pretty please fill me in @itsdeenalang
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it? For 21 years I was a Radio Personality here in South Florida and I’m so lucky to have been able to take my creativity and passion and morph that into a new career as a Content Creator for both local and national brands and Co-Founder & Owner of Emotional Support Threads. We’re a mom-owned and operated apparel and accessory line whose focus is on normalizing authentic mental health conversations with honesty and humor. My partner and I found ourselves stressed to the max working full-time, virtually schooling our kids on top of all the other daily commitments and responsibilities… We started out designing just for ourselves and quickly heard from people of all genders and ages who wanted to express their feelings through our apparel, so we expanded our line and so far everyone’s been embracing it! Giving back also means the world to us, so we also use our platform to raise funds for causes we care deeply about.
What is your best parenting advice. Lay it on us. DEEP BREATHS. This year has truly put my patience to the test and my best advice is to remember that our children are experiencing some very deep adult feelings right now and showcasing their emotions in the only ways they know how. It’s easy to have a short fuse and be reactive, but it’s helped me to remind myself that we can’t control everything and we can’t make everything better, but we CAN take a deep breath and be there to listen when they need us.
What do you do for self care? Exercise. At the beginning of the pandemic I had a feeling we’d be isolating for a bit longer than originally anticipated so I purchased a little space saver elliptical that I make it a point to get on at least 4-5 days a week to retain any shreds of remaining sanity. Not until adulthood did I truly understand the benefits of daily physical activity, but I can’t survive happily without it.
Anything else you want to share? I’m super honored and excited to have been featured and absolutely love the community ya’ll have built. We are so much stronger together and navigating motherhood/parenthood as a unit can be a real lifeline.