Meet the Mom – Cristyle E.

Name:Cristyle Egitto
Where did you grow up:
I was born in Miami and raised in Palm Beach Gardens
Town you live in now:
Palm Beach Gardens
Why you love living there:
The weather, local offerings, proximity to the ocean, close friends and family.
Tell me about your kids:
I have a daughter, Emilia, who will be 3 this summer. She is an amazing little girl who is smart, kind and has a laugh that will melt your heart.
Favorite things to do with the family locally:
We love taking Milly to Juno Beach, local parks, and out on the boat.
Best family restaurant:
Thirsty Turtle is great because they let us sub grilled chicken and rice pilaf on the Kids Menu and we can sit outside on the deck after the beach.
Ideal family vacation spot and why:
I love a good staycation. We can get away from the everyday but not travel too far. We have such awesome resorts around town like Jupiter Beach Resort, PGA National, Hilton WPB, The Breakers and EAU Palm Beach. We took Milly on a road trip this summer around the Southeast and that was surprisingly a blast. Ideal family vacations have mainly been to visit family in NJ, TN and NC. You get to travel with a sense of home.
What’s your ‘day job’?
I am a real estate agent. I work for our family firm and specialize in commercial, although I do residential primarily through client referrals. I also recently became a partner with Pumphouse Coffee Roasters (
What is something that makes your life easier/better/more fun?
A local food blog I started a few years ago, EatPalmBeach! I get to eat great food, meet amazing people, get involved in the community and give back. ( | @eatpalmbeach)
How do you balance your ‘day job’ and motherhood?
It’s a daily challenge, but when I have to break away for work it lets me miss her and come back refreshed and eager to play and see her smile. I try to schedule my days in such a way that I get quality time with her and I cherish our morning routine.
Who inspires you and why?
Anyone out there really hustling and making things happen. We have a solid community of entrepreneurs, business owners, bloggers, you name it. I am inspired by people doing things bigger than themselves.
What do you do for self care?
I set a resolution this year to focus more on self care. I get my nails done and a massage once a month (they both force me to not have my phone). I’ve also been trying to work out more though that always seems to be the toughest thing to prioritize with my hectic schedule.
What did you wish you knew but no one told you about being a parent?
How hard it really is to balance working and being a mom, wife, friend, and daughter. The stress can be a bit overwhelming and the necessary level of patience isn’t always there.
Anything else you want to share?
To the other moms out there: you’re doing amazing. We all struggle and have highs and lows, but at the end of the day we’re raising great kids and doing our best. Moms need to cut themselves some slack and let themselves have a little more fun.