Meet the Mom – Courtney Burg
Name: Courtney J Burg
Where did you grow up: Jupiter, fl
Town you live in now: Tequesta, Fl
Why you love living there: I love raising our children near the beach and in the same small town my husband and I were both raised.
Tell me about your kids: I have two daughters, ages 4 and 2.5. We have also completed our home study for adoption, and recently found out that I am pregnant too! So we will be adding two little ones this year to our family, and couldn’t be more excited!
Favorite things to do with the kids locally: we love to get out on our boat and have lunch at the sandbar by the Jupiter lighthouse as often as we can. The girls have been in swim lessons since they were both 6 months old because the water activities are such a huge part of our lifestyle. We also love family movie nights to Cinepolis for sliders and tuxedo popcorn.
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
Firstly, I am a stay at home mom. But I am also a student. I went back to school after my first daughter was born and will graduate from the University of Florida in December. I love learning so much and am passionate about researching trauma and behavioral psychology, which is why I will pursue my Masters degree at Harvard next year. I share all of my studies along with personal anecdotes on my blog and on my social media pages, and am working on my first book.
What is your best parenting advise. Lay it on us. I don’t have any advice! But I do always encourage mothers through my writing that healing is possible. When we as parents can create our own sense of safety, respect and self love, we can then pass that on and empower our children. I truly believe in breaking cycles for good, but it starts with doing our own inner work first.
What do you do for self care?
I wake up everyday and thank God. I usually write and do some breathwork. I move my body and give myself nutritious foods. I get to bed early. I have boundaries. I laugh a lot. Nothing fancy, but it’s just the framework of my life now and the basis of how I can show up as my best self for my family, friends and my work.