Meet the Mom – CC Bennett
Name: CC Bennett
Where did you grow up: West Palm Beach
Town you live in now: We just moved from West Palm Beach to Port Saint Lucie in January!
Why you love living there: We love the area so far and decided it was the best place for us to build our family home. Plus my mom lives in PSL. Our hearts are definitely still in Palm Beach county, as is my husband’s job.
Tell me about your kids: Piper (4 years old as of May 1st) and Harper (1 year old as of yesterday). Piper is our independent wild child who only wears dresses and is definitely a daddy’s girl. Harper’s personality is starting to shine through as our calm babe but if she’s closing sides she’s my sidekick.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
Pre-Harper you could find Piper and I at the Palm Beach Zoo basically every weekend! Right now we love Ms. Tracie’s Music together classes outdoors at Downtown at the Gardens. During spring training you can usually find us at the Ballpark of the palm beaches to see dad take care of the grass.
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
Founder and CEO of Piper + Harper, a sustainable children’s clothing and accessory company.
I’m a baby clothes shopping addict and past preschool teacher. I dove head first into designing children’s clothing myself and fell in love with the process.
What is your best parenting advice. Lay it on us.
For brand new mamas- invest in the Snoo. I am in no way affiliated with Happiest Baby but I should be with all the mamas I’ve sent their way. The Snoo is magical and the safest spot for baby. Harper slept 10 hours through the night at 2 months, bypassed the dreaded 4 month sleep regression, and transitioned easily to the crib at 6 months.
My other BIG piece of advice is less is always more. This comes from my Montessori side. Less toys, less plastic, less noise, less clutter. Open ended “toys” are the best! DM me for some of my favorites!
What do you do for self care?
Run, yoga, and solo shopping