Meet the Mom – Ashley Lewis
Ashley Lewis
Where did you grow up:
A small, country town in central Massachusetts called West Brookfield.
Town you live in now:
West Palm Beach
Why you love living there:
We love the beach, the outdoors, endless sunshine, outdoor activities, and overall vibe of South Florida!
Tell me about your kids:
Three girls: Summer is 6, Addison (Addie) is 4 and Lucca is 2. They have been life’s greatest gifts. I had three unplanned c-sections after trying to have natural births and VBACS but now I know I crushed it birth wise. Anyone who gives birth in any form does! Never thought I’d be where I am now: a stay-at home, working and homeschool Mom who LOVES it.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
Anything to do with exploration, adventure, sunshine, outside and we are good. Top fave right now: Lake Park in North Palm or Four Arts Society Gardens.
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
I have a Health Coaching business, Ashley Lewis Coaching and I work with Mothers and Millenial Women (and love it!). I help them to overcome and walk through the very things I did for 10yrs, an eating, image and identity crisis. It looks like one on one coaching, group coaching, speaking engagements and e-courses currently. It was an overflow of my passion and struggle with food and self image unto health and wholeness from the inside out. It also encompasses all things Motherhood.
What is your best parenting advice. Lay it on us.
Don’t be hard on yourself. There is no perfect parent. Being kind to yourself (even when you miss it entirely!) is the best thing you can do for you and your family. Will you miss it (a lot) and that’s ok. Be a real human, focus on deep heart connection and apologize often.
What do you do for self care?
Reflexology!, yoga (currently getting certified in Rhema Yoga), outside walks, being creative, journaling and prayer.
Anything else you want to share?
We need each other, Mommas! Motherhood is not the same when it’s done alone. Find those you can be vulnerable with, in your mess and invite them in there with you. You will not regret it. Don’t compare yourself with anyone because you, your kids and your family is the best version for YOU.