Meet the Mom – April V.
April Vradenburg
Where did you grow up:
Poland, Ohio
Town you live in now:
Jupiter, Florida
Why you love living there:
I grew up going to the beach once a year with my family so to live so close to one of the nicest beaches in the country is amazing. There are so many little gems that we love. Plus, I met my husband during my first night out on this town.
Tell me about your kids:
I have two sweet and loving girls. Cali is almost 4 and Laci is almost 2. Completely different personalities and they love each other so much. It’s been a blessing to watch them bond together and show so much love for each other.
Cali is enrolled in gymnastics at Gardens Gymnastics, piano lessons, swim and goes to school part time 3 days a week. She absolutely loves all of her activities but if she had to pick one she would say swim. She is also a big bug lover and will catch any bug that she finds.
Laci is enrolled in gymnastics and swim lessons at Kids 1st Swim School. She loves to dance every chance she can get. She also gives the best hugs in the world!
Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
We love exploring the many parks in the area, bike rides around our neighborhood, carousel and train rides at downtown at the gardens, food trucks in Abacoa, any fun little festivals that our town puts on, and of course the beach. If we aren’t doing any of those fun things we are getting Matty’s Gelato ice cream. So yummy!
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
My current day and night job is taking care of my family. I was formerly a Special Education teacher in Palm Beach County and before that I was an Interpreter for the Deaf. Since my oldest was born I’ve been home and will eventually return when the time is right. I currently tutor on the side and I’m working on getting certified in another education field.
What is your best parenting advise. Lay it on us.
Don’t go at it alone! The beautiful thing about the times we live in is that there are plenty of resources and support available to help. For instance, during our struggles trying to get our first born to sleep through the night I reached out to my network of mom friends and was referred to The Cradle Coach. It was a total game changer for us. When our second child was born, we used another resource that was referred to us called Coastal Doulas of the Palm Beaches. When you don’t have family near by during the infant stage, they can provide you with a good night sleep so you can have a productive day with two little ones.
Being a mom is one of the most challenging yet rewarding jobs there is. We’re all in this together raising the next generation so let’s make the most of it!
What do you do for self care?
My favorite self care is getting to the gym 4-5 times a week. I workout at CrossFit Palm Beach and recently competed in my first ever Crossfit partner competition this past July. Proud of myself and my dear friend for stepping outside our comfort zones. I was a collegiate gymnast so CFPB brings the old gymnast out of me. Other than that, I like to get a lot of rest when I can, read and eat healthy with a little ice cream on the side.