Meet a Mom – Kerry D.
Kerry Diaz
Where did you grow up:
Palm Beach Gardens, I was born at Good Sam, and so were all 3 of my boys!
Town you live in now:
North Palm Beach
Why you love living there:
Its an old fashioned village, where every house is different, the swales are wide, there is a sidewalk and lots of kids. Plus, we get to use the golf course as our playground and the beach is only a short ride away!
Tell me about your kids:
They are yummy! We have three boys: Charlie, 15; Will, 14; and Jack Henry, 8. I know, big gap. We were foster parents to three kids when the older boys were young, so we have even more kids who still live in our heart. We also have two rescue dogs, a crested gecko lizard and a beta fish that just won’t die.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
Anything outdoors: surfing, boating, fishing, flag football and watching them play sports and try out new restaurants.
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
hmmm… not sure if I should answer mom to three boys or my other gig! I own and manage curate, a boutique I started over four years ago to bring USA produced, and handmade unique accessories to my friends old and new in Palm Beach County. With a house full of boys, I was yearning for a feminine outlet. Since I have always been obsessed how clothes can make you feel, I wanted to open a store that is warm, welcoming and uses clothing and accessories to empower women and other moms.
What is your best parenting advise. Lay it on us.
Whatever is takes and we’re all doing the best we can. When I give grace to myself I am better able to do the same for others. So bottom line, be nice to yourself and nice to others.
What do you do for self care?
I spend time with my friends, I read advice and books from people I admire, I do a daily mini journal and exercise whenever I can fit it in, which is almost daily! I am also a amateur nutritionist, or maybe I just play one on tv — anyway I am passionate about eating good food, and giving your body, and my kid’s bodies, the fuel they need to make every day as good as it can be. But I am also passionate about french fries and cake!
Anything else you want to share? — —
I think clothes impact us more than we want to admit, they can brighten our mood or make us feel more confident. My wish is that everyone ventures out of their comfort zone to try more styles that make them feel fabulous.