Meet the Mom – Maureen
Maureen M (we don’t publish our last name for the safety of our foster children)
I was born and raised in South Florida. I grew up and currently live in Royal Palm Beach.
I love living here because my kids have lots of room to run and play in our spacious backyard. Our neighbors are great and always willing to lend a helping hand if we need it. Because I grew up in Royal Palm, I have a great support system of lifelong friends and family close by.
My son Sebastian is 2 and a half. He was placed in our home as a foster child when he was four months old. Our entire family was so thankful that we were able to adopt him earlier this year, shortly after his second birthday. He loves Mickey Mouse! We take him to Disney World often and I’m convinced it’s his favorite place. Every few days he asks to go to “Mickey’s castle.” He also loves trucks, his family and swimming!
Little brother (we can’t publish his name because he’s currently in the foster care system) was placed with us in September at just three weeks old. My husband and I spent a week in the NICU with him. He struggled to eat and breath on his own due to issues he had at birth. He is doing much better and is now home with us. He’s a happy baby and loves being held!
I love driving the kid’s through Lion Country Safari! Sebastian loves looking at all the animals. When he was a baby he would only nap in the car so I drove through multiple times a week to help him fall asleep. We also have a ton of great community parks in our area! Sebastian loves to run around and play on the playground. Little brother loves being outside and really enjoys the fresh air.
I am a full time blogger/content creator. I started a YouTube channel right after graduating from high school in 2009. I was looking for a new hobby and found “what’s in my purse” videos on YouTube and decided that’s what I wanted to do! I have since rebranded to The Magical Mundane Life. I openly share about my life on my blog, YouTube channel and social media platforms. I have documented everything from getting engaged, buying my first house, having multiple miscarriages, our foster care journey and recently, Sebastian’s adoption. I am an open book and share my experiences in hopes of helping other women feel less alone and more supported.
Best parenting advice….I’m still fairly new to this whole mommy thing so I really need more advice than I can give! I do try to remember in this hectic time of having a toddler and a newborn that the days are long but the years are short. It’s important to take photos and cherish every moment, even the tough ones!
I strongly believe in self care! When my husband gets home from work he takes care of the boys so I can have some alone time. I usually go to a local park and run or go to the gym. I really enjoy working out, It’s a great stress reliever for me. I don’t think grocery shopping should be considered self care but nothing beats walking up and down every aisle of Target with a Starbucks in hand and no children! A good bubble bath and a glass of wine is also another one of my favorite “me time” activities.
If you have more questions or need me to elaborate more, let me know! I’m so excited for this feature!