Local Mom Highlight – Shannon Griffin

A foreword. I have been fortunate enough to get to know Shannon through work then personally. She is almost other earthly in the way only ask artist would be, honest, pure, true. If you are photographed by her, you won’t understand what a beautiful experience (and piece of art) you have created together until many months, perhaps years later. She holds space and gives grace with her art. I am positive I didn’t do justice how incredible she is, but I wanted to try.
Name: Shannon Griffin
Where did you grow up: I’ve called Florida my home since I was a young child. I’ve lived in many places all over this state.
Town you live in now: Deerfield Beach
Why you love living there: My husband and I were fortunate enough to have an amazing year in both of our careers in 2020 and decided to purchase a home. We were only dating at the time, but knew we wanted to lay some permanent roots in an area. He grew up surfing in Deerfield Beach and we love the overall vibe. It’s also the perfect location for my business because my clients are between Miami and Jupiter.
Tell me about your kids: Oh Maeve. Where do I even begin? She is fiercely independent, at almost two years old, but also loves the heck out of her mom and dad. I had an unplanned pregnancy at 38 years old and am now 40 with a toddler. It’s been a very hard and beautiful journey navigating this motherhood thing. I don’t think I’ll ever figure it out, but each day I make sure she knows love and stability. Motherhood is the hardest thing I will ever do, but at the other end of that is a level of growth I couldn’t have foreseen.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally: We love going out to eat as a family. Maeve has been going with us to restaurants since she was 2 weeks old. It’s our favorite thing to do as a couple and we knew we wanted her to be a part of that. We frequent restaurants from Pompano up to Palm Beach Gardens. We just became members of the Museum of Discovery and Science because it’s a really fun activity to do with her that also involves air conditioning.
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it? I create experiences where women feel beautiful, important, powerful and most importantly, valued. I get to know the women that I photograph on a deep level before ever putting them in front of my camera; believing that the truest art begins with feeling and not technicality. I guide my clients through the entire process and anticipate their needs. I take pleasure in designing commissioned art for my clients, based on their individuality, and curating photographs that embody their legacy.
I know that is a wordy way of saying, “I’m a photographer”, but it’s because we are creating art together and it’s truly about the experience more so than the photographs.
I started taking photographs of my best friend when I got my first camera (film) at 16 years old. I went to art school and majored in photography. It’s what I’ve always done and will always pursue.
What is your best parenting advice? Lay it on us. Live a life that fuels you so that your children can see you thriving. We decided to put Maeve in full-time daycare at the age of 7 months because I wanted to work on my business full-time again. Serving women fuels me in ways that make me a better parent for my child. But, when Maeve is home I’m 100% all in with her. I’m off of my phone, there is a hard stop to my business, and she is my only focus. I want her to see that mom has passions outside of her, but to also see that she comes first.
What do you do for self care? I laughed out loud when I read that. I haven’t had a haircut since Maeve was 3 months old (she’s almost 2). Truly, having alone time to work on my business Monday-Friday is my form of self-care. I get to be Shannon.
Karaoke – what are you singing? These days probably anything from Frozen (send help).
Anything else you want to share? It’s okay if you’re struggling in your season, or every season. My daughter is almost 2 and I still don’t enjoy it most days. I feel it’s not talked about enough and then we feel shame because it’s really hard most of the time. I didn’t enjoy the baby phase and this toddler phase is kicking my butt. But, I’m holding out hope that we’ll be best friends when she’s 30 (I’m kidding…kind of).