Local Mom Highlight – Melissa Hyman

Where did you grow up:
Atlanta, GA
Town you live in now:
Delray Beach
Why you love living there:
I love living where everyone else vacations! Delray is such a special little beach town. I never get tired of walking on the Ave and checking out new restaurants with my husband. The holiday events are all amazing – the St. Patty’s Day Parade with all the fire trucks, the witch’s ride on Halloween, and of course the lighting of the 100 ft Christmas Tree!
Tell me about your kids:
My daughter Annabelle is a sassy 3.5 year old who loves dresses, snacks, and her little brother. My son Austin is 14 months and like any little boy loves balls and toy vehicles (especially his sister’s hot pink Barbie car!).
Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
The Girl’s Strawberry U-Pick is by far our favorite spot. My daughter loves feeding the goats and my son loves looking at all the birds. Plus my husband and I love that it is mostly shaded! The pizza is delicious and we all share some sort of ice cream treat before we leave.
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
I have been a pediatric speech therapist for the past 10 years working both in private practice and hospitals. Since having my second child it has been tough to strike the perfect work/life balance. My friend from grad school, Ally, and I created a mommy and me class with a speech therapy spin – it’s called “Say&Play.” It’s a place where babies and their caretakers can learn and play together, all while we do the prep work and clean up!

What is your best parenting advice. Lay it on us.
If you are losing your mind around 6pm (like me on most days!), forget about the to do list, turn on some music, and dance with your kids. It’s FUN to have fun with them, and so many meltdowns can fade away with the right playlist.
What do you do for self care?
Tea (I LOVE tea), a face mask, and a really good show.
Karaoke – what are you singing?
Defying Gravity (or basically any showtune) but absolutely nobody wants to hear it
Anything else you want to share?
We have worked hard to create a class that we know other moms will enjoy with their little ones. If you have a child 9-18 months old, check us out! @sayandplayfla on Instagram or sayandplayfla.com