Meet the Mom – Leslie Gray Streeter
Leslie Gray Streeter
Where did you grow up:
Baltimore, Md
Town you live in now:
West Palm Beach
Why you love living there:
I am two blocks from the water, and being here makes me feel close to nature while being in a city.
Tell me about your kids:
Brooks is 6, plays drums, likes watching videos about dinosaurs and likes 80s rock because he spends too much time with me.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
Ride bikes on the Intracoastal; Palm Beach Zoo
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
I’m a reporter for the Palm Beach Post -I’ve been a journalist since I was in high school and am lucky to be able to have sustained so long in my chosen career. I am also an author – my first book “Black Widow” was published on March 10!
What is your best parenting advise. Lay it on us.
To not base my decisions with my child on whether or not he will like me or like them. I am the parent. I like him and love him very much, and it’s my job to be the wise one, even if he doesn’t like it. Parenting isn’t a popularity contest.
What do you do for self care?
Lie in bed with a cup of coffee and watch “Project Runway.” Run- slowly. Listen to murder podcasts. Whatever keeps my mind and spirit moving.
Anything else you want to share?
I wish that mothers were easier on each other, and on themselves. I love advice, but not as an edict or a mandate. Everything doesn’t work for everyone and we have to honor that. Also…have fun!!