Meet the Mom – Keri Morrison
Name: Keri Morrison
Where did you grow up: Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
Town you live in now: Palm Beach Gardens
Why you love living there: Because we truly live in paradise. We have access to the ocean and Intracoastal just minutes from our home. I also grew up here and know the area very well. It is home to me on so many levels.
Tell me about your kids: I have two daughters Julia (7) and Josie (5). My son Jake passed away just before his third birthday over 7 years ago. It was, and still is, incredibly hard. We know that out of every tragedy comes something amazing and that is what we are working so hard to do today with Live Like Jake Foundation (LLJ).
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it? I am the founder and Executive Director of the Live Like Jake Foundation. I started LLJ after the drowning death of my son Jake Roarke on 11/30/13.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally: We love boating, going to the beach and visiting the local parks.
What is your best parenting advice? Lay it on us. Love your children like there is no tomorrow. I know it sounds so cliché but I would do anything to be able to go back and tell Jake that I love him just one more time. Every day I tell my girls that I love them and that they are so special. I would also like to say that no child or family is immune to drowning so please look into self-rescue swim lessons in your area. You never think you will be “that” parent until it happens to you.
What do you do for self-care? Unfortunately not much. I am a very early riser so I can work before the kids get up and I continue working after they go to school. One of these days I will take better care of myself.
Anything else you want to share? Life is precious; don’t waste time worrying about what others have versus what you have. Live life to the fullest and be kind to others.

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