Meet the Mom – Jade Gaona
Name: Jade Gaona
Where did you grow up: I was born in South Africa, lived in Canada for about 8 years and then over to Florida since then (Boca Raton to be specific).
Town you live in now: Delray Beach
Why you love living there: I absolutely adore Delray. I love the community I live in with mostly young families, we have really cultivated quite the culture there. I also love the city of Delray, anywhere from the beach to walking the downtown area, to the people I surround myself with.
Tell me about your kids: Where to even begin. I was truly born to be a mama. I have 2 crazy crazy boys. Liam is 4 and Aiden is 6. They are adventurous, sweet, hilarious, kind, and all around crazy. I’m the typical boy mama.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally: We love anything ninja (again, boy mom), indoor kids gyms, pool, beach cleanups, and eating out. Just all around spending quality time as a family is awesome (my kids love language is definitely just that, quality time).
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it? Again, where to begin. I do so many things and while it’s a lot to juggle, I absolutely love every facet of each 1, so none of it is really a “job.” I am first and foremost a mama (the absolute most rewarding and HARDEST job I have. We know we all spend at least 2 hours a day wanting to pull our hair out, haha). I am a nurse and a partner at Restore Hyper Wellness and I enjoy so much changing lives with holistic modalities on a daily basis. I got started because I worked Pediatric ICU for 13 years and when I had children I honestly felt like that part of my life and passion had to be switched to something else, it was extremely difficult and emotional I’m also a Color Street Stylist (if you haven’t tried these, you must). Last but not a least, I am a personal and group fitness instructor and I train a group of girls 4 days a week and I absolutely love love love it.
What is your best parenting advice. Lay it on us. There is literally zero advice that I believe any mom should give another mom. There is no right or wrong in this thing called life. We are all just trying to keep the tiny humans alive. Haha. Do what works for you and support the others that do what works for them The only advice I can give is never judge another mama and make them feel “less than.” Nothing any of us do is the correct thing. We are all just trying to do right by our families and our littles.
What do you do for self care? Lots and lots and that’s how I stay sane as a mama. I work out 6 days a week. I live at Restore Hyper Wellness whenever I’m not with the kids. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, IV drip therapy, red light therapy, cryotherapy. I do it all. It is very important that I invest in my health on the daily so I can be a better human for my family. I am also an Ultra Athlete, so I do really enjoy ultra distance running.
Anything else you want to share? Thank you for letting me share today! The only thing I want to end with is: surround yourself with those who lift you up, who cheer for you, who cry with you, laugh with you and stand in your corner through the good AND the bad. Keep those people close and never let them go