Meet the Mom – Brooke Craig aka The Holistic Housewife

Where did you grow up: Wellington, Florida
Town you live in now: Wellington, Florida
Why you love living there:
I love living here because it’s what I know. Palm Beach County is a family town with an array of things to do. You have farm life and fashion!
Tell me about your kids:
I have three children Tristan (12), Marlee (7), and Madison (3). We homeschool so they are all very close. But they love to aggregate each other. Tristan wants to be a video software designer, and the girls just want to be princesses.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
We love getting out into the fresh air. If we aren’t working on our farm with dogs, chickens, and goats, we love to be at the park or the beach. The zoo is always a fun way to educate and have fun too.
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
I am a board certified Holistic Health Practitioner and also a Life Coach. I always start my day with reflection and meditation. Holding a space for gratitude allows me to show up and choose joy without letting out all my crazy.
What is your best parenting advice. Lay it on us.
The best parenting advice I have is to let go of expectation. I think a lot of us moms have an expectation of how we are to be and how our kids are to be before we are kids. We see a screaming kid and target and we start judging and making assumptions. We say our kids are never going to act like that but guess what usually they do. So my best parenting advice is to let go of all of that. The other part of this is to cut the cord with the idea that our kids behavior is some thing that we are responsible for. A lot of the times when they were little and they act out it’s because they can’t process. And a lot of the times we get embarrassed The best parenting advice I have is to let go of expectation. I think a lot of us moms have an expectation of how we are to be and how our kids are to be before we are kids. We see a screaming kid and target and we start judging and making assumptions. We say our kids are never going to act like that but guess what usually they do. So my best parenting advice as to let go of all of that. The other part of this is to cut the cord with the idea that our kids behavior is something that we are responsible for. A lot of the times when they are a little on the act out it’s because they can’t process. And a lot of the times we get embarrassed or anxious because our child isn’t acting a certain way. That doesn’t mean we are failures because our kids act bad.
What do you do for self care?
I love a good spa day at the Breakers! But sometimes that’s not possible. So a little diy home skin care or nice bath will do too.
Anything else you want to share?
The last thing I would like to share is that I think it’s really easy to get caught up in the perception of perfection. We are exposed to so many perfectly curated photos through reality TV and social media. Those aren’t reality. I want every mom to embrace everything great and everything bad. We all are struggling and we all just want to be excepted. So if we can show up and support each other what a beautiful world this would be.