Gatorama and the Everglades

A visit to Florida, or growing up here, would not be complete without at least one visit to the amazing Everglades.
Visit Gatorama for hands on Gator action (our photos from today below) or Captian Jacks for super airboat rides. For Gatorama check the schedule online because feedings and wading gator catching happen at preset times. Bring quarters in to buy food for the petting area.
Gatorama is a little more than 1.5 hours from Westgate River Ranch (We’re looking forward to checking out the lux teepees- more on that soon) or it makes a great stopping point when doing the coast to coast drive on 27 in Florida.
The Everglades Foundation graciously offers FREE learning resources for teachers and families here for Kindergarten through Senior year. The coloring pages were great talking and learning points over a picnic lunch on the way out.
Fast hands or no hands!
Petting area. Bring your quarters to buy feed.
Well hello handsome.
This is how you catch a gator.
Got em!
Albino baby gator.