Meet the Mom – Courtney P.
Name: Courtney Palacios
Where did you grow up: Lake Worth
Town you live in now: West Palm Beach
Why you love living there: I love living in the historic district for the architecture and history but I also love being so close to Downtown and Palm Beach. It’s a blessing to live here and experience such a vibrant town and be so close to the ocean too!
Tell me about your kids:
I have two children, 10 year old girl and 6 year old boy. They are polar opposites in everything but both have great hearts and empathy in common so that’s all that matters in the end as a mom win. They are both so creative and I’m blessed to be able to foster that.
Favorite things to do with the kids locally:
All the things if you ask me! We are blessed with so many opportunities for events with the center that they get exposed to what both the City of WPB and the Town of PB have to offer more than the average family probably experiences or wants to add on the list of things to do. But they are all great! However if they are asked where they want to go on any given day at any point, it’s always to a movie and ice cream!
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it?
My day job. That is a loaded question for me because I wear a lot of hats. But the most direct answer would be I build ideas into brands. Whether it’s any of mine or as a business consultant. I got started with it when I built my first company at 17. And since then I built 8 companies and have consulted for many others building their dream. I’m a nurturer by nature, which I surrounded in the vision for Rhythm & Hues. For me to help someone nurture their idea and find their joy is a great way to give back through all I’ve learned with the good and the so bad of entrepreneurship. I also love all things construction and design so anytime real estate is involved with the plan I’m in! Starting a construction company at 19 gave me a lot of experience, tough skin and a desire to always have a project.
What is your best parenting advice. Lay it on us.
Consistency and routine. I was a nanny for eleven years before becoming a mom. The key thing that was always the same throughout all of the ages and genders was the ones with routine thrived more and so did the family. Chaos begets chaos. But life is crazy and messy and busy. So the way you balance it out is keep the routine the same and work your life around that. Their behavior is better. Their meal planning is better. And you as a mom can know which time of the day you can do something fun with your child and they won’t end up on the floor in a public meltdown.
What do you do for self care?
Spa! I love all the things a spa to represents. Any time I can spa day is a great day! Peace. Tranquility. Relaxation. Amazing services. Beautiful space. All the things. And if you’re lucky you go with some friends and the day just got better! And if they have cupcakes and champagne instead of nuts and tea, even better!
Anything else you want to share?
Absolutely! Thank you for having me be a part of what you’re doing! You guys are a great addition to our community. I also want to thank so many of your readers who are our treasured clients at Rhythm & Hues. We are so grateful to you all for your love and support over these last almost 3 years. We truly love being a part of your family’s happiness and joy for all the things. To have watched so many babies now grow into 3 year olds and 3 year olds into 6 year olds and so on, all through our doors is such a blessing to us. As we continue on this brand journey through franchising to drop happiness & rainbows everywhere, we do it knowing this community built our flagship location and the brand. An idea is just an idea until it’s executed. Having your patronage is what it’s all about to make the dream come true so thank you so much for choosing us for your happy days and making ours!
Say hello to us all at our children’s festival RAINBOWPALOOZA benefiting The Cotton Bottom Diaper Bank on February 29th!