Meet the Mom – Ashley Vonk
Name: Ashley Vonk
Where did you grow up: I was born and raised right here in this little piece of paradise…Jupiter!
Town you live in now: Jupiter
Why you love living there: it doesn’t get much better than raising my babies where I was raised. Sharing memories with them of my childhood and getting to make new memories in a place with such beauty and gorgeous weather!
Tell me about your kids: Olivia is 4. She is a leader, full of spunk, loves to keep us all entertained & is the absolute best big sister to her baby brothers!
Henry is almost 3. He’s Sweet & sensitive. He loves his siblings and follows his big sisters lead any chance he can. He loves all things truck/car related and to play in the dirt-haha!
Hudson is almost 4 month old. He is our angel baby! Sweet, happy and content! He has just been our cherry on top & has brought us so much joy these past few months!
Favorite things to do with the kids locally: We love our daily “adventures”, as my kids call them. Their favorites lately are bush wildlife, loggerhead, & going to the jetty to watch the boats and dig in the sand followed by trips to coral cones for icecream ( & a delicious coffee for me).
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it? Full time stay at home mama! I taught kindergarten & 1st grade for 6 years before having babies and my desire when we started a family was to stay home fully with them if I was able!
What is your best parenting advise. Lay it on us.
My best advice would be to just cherish and savor each stage with your babies! It’s easy for us to be wishing we were in a certain stage but in all reality these days, Months, years go by so fast so whatever stage you’re in try to find the joy in it. These moments are fleeting.
What do you do for self care? Well with three Littles I really don’t a whole lot of time but I try to fit in coffee dates with friends, play dates with my favorite moms & their littles on a regular basis & date nights with my husband when we can!
Anything else you want to share? My husband owns Jupiter Bounce (a party rental company). He started it right out of high school where we met and started dating ( at 15&16 years old-ha). We love our community and being a part of all of these wonderful events in Palm Beach county!