Meet the Mom – Amanda Gomez
Name:Amanda Mullins Gomez
Where did you grow up: I was born in Palm Beach Gardens, and was raised between PBG and Fort Lauderdale, so I consider both to be my hometown.
Town you live in now: Palm Beach Gardens
Why you love living there: My husband, Will, and I moved here with our children in 2014 and it was the best choice we could have made. Before having children, Ft. Lauderdale was such a fun place to live. Will worked in hospitality then, so we had our share of late nights and lots of fun. Now, as a family of 5, we have such a deep appreciation for relaxing weekends, the smaller town feel of Jupiter/Palm Beach, and living near relatives. I appreciate that my father was born and raised here, at St Mary’s hospital in 1951, and grew up in Palm Beach. It’s a blessing to enjoy so many of the same views and activities around town with my kids, that I enjoyed with my dad, and he enjoyed with my grandparents, while growing up. My husband works with my father and cousins at a family business, Mullins Lumber Co., that has been passed through generations.
Tell me about your kids: We have two sons, ages 10 & 8, and a daughter, age 3. Typical of their age, it takes effort to keep our boys off of their video games and entertained with activities outdoors instead. The oldest devours books, while our middle child loves soccer. Our daughter is the the boss of the house; she’s tough like the boys, and also so girly and imaginative in the sweetest way!
Favorite things to do with the kids locally: Some of our favorites are bike rides on Lake Trail, beach days, picnics near the lighthouse, snowball fights and mini golf at Downtown Abacoa, ice cream at Matty’s Gelato, and lunch or dinner at Dune Dog .
What’s your ‘day job’? How did you get started with it? I’m a Pilates Instructor and studio owner. I was in a corporate-office position in sales and marketing of consumer goods for over 10 years, 7 of those with Elizabeth Arden Corp It was there where I realized I had no other option than to stay settled in my cubicle, or, commit to a role that required frequent travel to advance. I knew that I didn’t want either, so around the time my second child was born in 2013, I was compelled to create a career that allowed me to spend more time at home with my family. I knew that I loved Pilates as a client, and loved the energy of being in a boutique fitness studio space. With some research and introductions, I began training to become a Comprehensive Pilates Instructor and purchased a Club Pilates franchise location, first opening Club Pilates Abacoa in 2015, and a second location in 2019, Club Pilates West Palm Beach. It’s been so gratifying and has allowed me the ability to have a successful career and still be able to drive my children to and from school and their activities every day.
What is your best parenting advice. Lay it on us. It’s impossible to give 100% of yourself to everything and everyone all of the time, so be kind to yourself and patient with your own evolution as a parent; your kids are teaching you just as much as you are teaching them, so sit back and listen often.
What do you do for self care? Probably not enough, but working hard at prioritizing some time for my own fitness, activities, and wellbeing. I fought breast cancer last year at the age of 39 and believe that stress and lack of self-care were possible factors. Cancer is the club that no one wants to be in, but if you look at it from the right angle, it can be a blessing to guide you to trust in your religious faith, and to cherish moments with your kids and family with so much more depth and gratitude.
Anything else you want to share? Check your breasts, ladies, and always insist upon an ultrasound with the mammogram if something doesn’t feel right! The mammogram would have missed my cancer diagnosis.