Meet the Mom – Nicki Wolf, Heir Looms Vintage Rugs
Name: Nicki Wolf, Heir Looms Vintage Rugs
Where did you grow up: Jupiter Fl!
Town you live in now: Downtown West Palm Beach, Flamingo Park
Why you love living there: there’s so many things I love about our neighborhood. First, it’s great to be downtown where we can walk to Grandview Market, restoration hardware, city place and great restaurants like Grato and Kitchen. I also love having a historic home!
Tell me about your kids: I have two little girls. They are 15 months apart. August will be 4 in March and Quinn will be 3 in June. They could not be more different from each other!
Favorite things to do with the family locally: We love the palm beach zoo and science center. We also love to go on afternoon walks in the park and will usually end up walking to dinner.
Best family restaurant: Grato
Ideal family vacation spot and why: Vero Beach! It’s just far enough to stay over night and once we are there, we don’t have to get back in the car until we’re ready to head home.
What’s your ‘day job’? I have a vintage rug business, Heir Looms. I source handmade antique rugs from all over the world to sell here in Palm Beach. I also ship rugs for free throughout the US. My expertise is in Persian and Turkish rugs but I also import Moroccan rugs through a friend and fellow rug hunter based in Amsterdam.
What is something that makes your life easier/better/more fun? Opening this business is a dream come true for me! I’ve always loved interior design and it’s true what they say, the rug makes the room! There’s something about the process of helping someone find their rug that is special for me. They have history and a story and are intended to be passed down as family heirlooms. I see that connection when someone finds the right one.
How do you balance your ‘day job’ and motherhood? It’s not easy and I’m always working on finding more balance. I work while my kids are at school and I try to stop when they are home. That being said, good timely customer service can make the difference between making a sale and not. I think I’ve found a healthy balance by letting people know that I’ve seen their message and will get back to them in a few hours. I always do.
Who inspires you and why? My husband, Shawn, for his entrepreneurship and how he just makes it happen. At first I read this question as “what inspires you” so I’ll leave my answer. Anything midcentury! I love the art and beautiful clean lines of the hardwood furniture that came out of that period. Also, I have a coffee table book thing. I just love them.
What do you do for self care? This is funny but I love a spray tan. I feel so much better with a glow. Kimber at Sugarcoat is the best.
What did you wish you knew but no one told you about being a parent? The day you leave the house without a change of clothes is the day you wish you had a change of clothes!
Anything else you want to share? I’m excited about opening a rug shop at the end of March! 2019! The address is 501 Palm Street, West Palm Beach. I’ll announce a grand opening party on Instagram as it gets closer!